Adare Flood Relief Scheme
Limerick City and County Council and the OPW are progressing a flood relief scheme for Adare and the required studies for adjacent upstream and downstream areas.
Having one of Ireland’s oldest recorded placenames, Adare has long been afflicted by flooding from the River Maigue. There are reports of major floods occurring in the Adare area as far back as August 1946. Other events of flooding occurring in Adare include January 1995, February 1996, January 1999, February 2002, and most recently in 2014. The River Maigue frequently breaks it’s banks at Adare coinciding with high tides, however the embankments that form part of the existing Arterial Drainage Scheme offer a degree of protection downstream of Adare Bridge. Refer to for further information.
This project involves the assessment and development of a flood relief scheme (a ’Scheme’) and other measures to manage the existing flood risk in Adare, and also the potential for significant increases in this risk due to climate change, ongoing development and other pressures that may arise in the future.
A steering group was established for the project in October 2021. The Steering Group is chaired by Limerick City and County Council. OPW are also represented on the Steering Group. Ryan Hanley will provide the engineering and environmental consultancy services for the current project.
The initial stage of the project involves hydrological, geotechnical and environmental assessments, in addition to the outline design of flood relief measures, and cost benefit analysis.
Once a preferred flood relief option for the scheme has been determined and an outline design completed, Limerick City and County Council will seek consent for the proposed scheme in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development Act. Once planning permission has been obtained, the scheme will progress through detailed design. Once detailed design has been completed, the scheme will proceed to tender and construction phase.
Throughout the development of Adare FRS consideration will be given to the N21 Limerick/Foynes Road, the 2027 Ryder Cup, Adare Public Realm Plan, potential future upgrade of the Foynes/Limerick Railway, and other public projects in the area.