Public and Stakeholder Engagement

The project will include opportunities to participate in public consultation.

First Public Consultation Process [May 2022 – June 2022: Closed]

The purpose of the first public consultation process shall be to seek initial views from the public and other interested parties in relation to the key issues that the study should address, discuss options to manage the flood risk in the area, and to highlight points of local importance that might constrain the design and/or viability of any potential flood alleviation measures.

The initial Public Consultation Event opened on 24 March 2022 with consultation session from 3.00pm – 7.00pm in Adare Town Hall and is now closed.  Posters, an information brochure and questionnaire remain available to inspect below.

Future Public Consultation

A subsequent Public Consultation Day will be held to let Stakeholders and the public know how their observations, comments and submissions were used within the Environmental Constraints Study and the Scheme Development Process.